Building connections that enhance the well-being and resilience of individuals and communities within nature
Educated by Nature is based on Wadjuk Nyoongar land in Perth (Boorloo), Western Australia, providing experiences in a variety of natural spaces to facilitate connection to self, nature and community.
As a social enterprise, we are dedicated to creating playful opportunities for people to engage deeply with nature and each other, fostering personal growth, community and cultural repair, and environmental stewardship. We aim to inspire a sense of belonging, promote well-being, and empower people to contribute positively to the world around them.
Programs are available for families with primary-aged children, schools, childcare providers, local councils, corporations, and other organisations.
About Us
Educated by Nature is a team of passionate Nature Educators: we are teachers, mentors and playworkers who assist children, parents and teachers develop connections and learn within nature.
Daniel Burton and Trudi Bennett lead the team. They are Nature Connection Mentors and qualified teachers specialising in outdoor classrooms. Their knowledge base has formed over many years through additional professional development, study tours and participation and presentation at various conferences within Australia and internationally. Emphasis is placed on engagement with current research, networks and mentoring relationships.
At Educated by Nature, staff participate fully in play by modelling sensory risk taking, wondering, adventuring, building and encouraging nature awareness. Programs combine freedom for children to live by their instinctive behaviour, with empathy and understanding for nature and each other. We believe this combination assists children to grow resilience through nature connection. See our Principles for Learning within Nature and Art of Mentoring pages for more information.
Through our programs, Educated by Nature aims to increase the mental, emotional and physical health of children and in doing so, foster stewardship and a deep love for the natural environment.
Educated by Nature is proud to be accredited as a quality program provider by the Tourism Council Western Australia.
Book Now
Bookings are open for the following programs. We would love to have you join us for new adventures and exciting exploration. Our programs usually offer a variety of session dates, times and locations. To see more details, simply click on the program that you wish to attend which will take you to a bookings page. Alternatively, follow the links in the navigation menu at the top of this page for more information about the activities and age range for each program.
After School Programs
Homeschool Families
School Holiday Programs
School Based Programs
Recent Engagements
As part of our work, we consult with educational institutions, present at conferences and engage with community events. Read about some of our recent projects.
Our Programs
Educated by Nature offer a large variety of nature-based programs for families, schools, and the wider community.
Programs for families are grouped largely by age segments to allow activities to be developmentally appropriate and challenging for participants. The programs for families also include an after-school club based entirely outdoors, focused on using real tools and hands-on tinkering, but also incorporating wilderness awareness games.
School programs linked below are split into three main areas; incursions, professional learning and consultation. Educated by Nature’s incursions are tailored to be suitable for early years child care, through to upper primary aged participants. Professional learning and development options include a variety of different workshops. Both the nature-based incursions and the professional learning workshops are directly linked to Western Australian and National curriculum.
The nature-based community programs offered are suitable to form a key (or small) part of your community event. Educated by Nature are regular contributors at local fairs and fetes, as well as council events. Again, activities are offered/tailored to engage different age groups and audiences.
If you are not able to find a program suited to your specific needs, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Coyote’s Guide to Connecting with Nature
“To the people you serve, it may seem like nothing but running through woods, playing games, and listening to stories. An underlying intention they never realise lies beneath this surface evidence. By subtly and invisibly using Child Passions to get people to practice Core Routines and so read the Book of Nature, you engage them in learning without them ever knowing it. You are running an ‘Invisible School’.”
Jon Young, Evan McGown and Ellen Hass