Category: Nature Connection Series

  • Nature Connection Series: Sensory Observation

    Nature Connection Series: Sensory Observation

    “Knowing what’s in the park across the road… I think that’s very important for kids to know” Teacher During a Nature Connection session, students use many different observation and sensory skills. From specific wandering challenges to quiet sit spots, the students use all their senses to observe the natural world around them. They learn to…

  • Nature Connection Series: Physical Development

    Nature Connection Series: Physical Development

    “My best part has been when we play games and make new friends” Student Being outdoors allows for big energy movement that is usually frowned upon in classroom settings. The chance for children to use their bodies to run, climb, swing and shift activate parts of their brain that are dormant in the classroom. These…

  • Nature Connection Series: Identity

    Nature Connection Series: Identity

    “They can just be themselves” Teacher We are not meant to be exactly alike, we each have our own gifts and talents to share with the world. Unfortunately for some children, the classroom is not the place they can express their gifts. They have bodies that need to move and curious brains that want to…

  • Nature Connection Series: Nature Education

    Nature Connection Series: Nature Education

    “I like seeing all the plants and learning different things about them” Student ]Historically and culturally the human race had a strong knowledge of the plants and animals in their area. They knew when plants were suitable to eat, what medicinal use they had, or which were appropriate for building or carving. As we have…

  • Nature Connection Series: Connection to Space

    Nature Connection Series: Connection to Space

    “[they] take a moment to stop and look around us” Teacher Many of our Nature Connection series programs are held in bush/natural spaces very close to the student’s school. For many they have passed through it each day without seeing what and who lives there. During the program, students start to see the complex systems…

  • Nature Connection Series: Respect for Self

    Nature Connection Series: Respect for Self

    “Being in nature feels like I’m being back in my culture” Student The modern world sends us so many messages about who we are, who we should be, and how we are measuring up to others. It can be a really confusing place especially if you are a child. There is something about the natural…

  • Nature Connection Series: Respect for Others

    Nature Connection Series: Respect for Others

    “That respect and trust has gone both ways’ Teacher Many teachers tell us that they see their students in a different light during our Nature Connection Series. Outside, students can be themselves and possibly show a skill or strength that has been hidden in the classroom. The students also get to see their teacher differently…

  • Nature Connection Series: Empathy

    Nature Connection Series: Empathy

    “[they’re] learning to respect the bush rather than just run through and trample everything” Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer We play a lot of games in our Nature Connection series. Some are to run off energy, but many are to help students get into the mindset of wildlife around them. When children put themselves in…

  • Nature Connection Series: Resilience

    Nature Connection Series: Resilience

    “Students who in the class environment haven’t had good resilience are able to grow in confidence in the outdoor environment” Teacher Resilience is our ability to bounce back from difficulty. True resilience is found when outdoors, nothing is controlled or scheduled, if it wants to rain it does, wants to bite you it does, wants…

  • Nature Connection Series: Respect for Nature

    Nature Connection Series: Respect for Nature

    “…helps me to realise what we’ve got, what nature has.” – Student One of Educated by Nature’s core values is respect for the environment. When we help children and adults see, interact and learn about the world around them they naturally want to care for it. Their eyes are opened to the millions of plants…