Nature Connection Series: Nature Education

“I like seeing all the plants and learning different things about them” Student

]Historically and culturally the human race had a strong knowledge of the plants and animals in their area. They knew when plants were suitable to eat, what medicinal use they had, or which were appropriate for building or carving. As we have moved our lives inside we have lost the ability to recognise and use the plants around us. Even the simple knowledge of a plant name can bring connection to space and build on relationships with animals and insects that use the plant. We like people to know our name, plants are no different.

This video captures the essence of our Nature Connection Series, an 8-week, immersive program delivered by Educated by Nature with the aim of supporting teachers to see the potential of local bushland and nearby outdoor spaces, engaging students Deep Nature Connection. This project was made possible through a partnership between Educated by Nature and WA Parks Foundation, supported by Australian Gas Infrastructure Group.