Campfire Conversations – Ep#03 – Sensory Risk Taking – Celebrating International Mud Day

Sensory Risk Taking, a term coined by Daniel Burton and Trudi Bennett when discussing the experiences we provide children that challenge their senses, is generally missing from everyday childhood in our risk averse society. Here at Educated by Nature we feel that multi-sensory experiences are vital for healthy brain development. Nature provides positive sensory opportunities and creates memorable learning experiences. It engages creativity and problem solving, promotes relaxation and the development of affection for nature.

“Children should be able to do their own experimenting and their own research. Teachers, of course, can guide them by providing appropriate materials, but the essential thing is that in order for a child to understand something, he must construct it himself, he must re-invent it. Every time we teach a child something, we keep him from inventing it himself.” (Piaget, 1972)

In Episode 3 of Campfire Conversations,Trudi and Daniel have covered themselves in clay on International Mud Day to discuss the sensory risk taking aspects of playing with clay and the benefits of good old fun in nature!

For more information about how to get involved in International Mud Day check out The Offical Facebook page.

This episode of campfire conversations is now available as a podcast! Listen here, or wherever you get your podcasts.