We are absolutely overwhelmed with joy to share the latest episode of Parental As Anything from ABC Australia and our good friend Maggie Dent. This episode is all about PLAY and RISK and NATURE and it features Gillan McAuliffe (Daniel and Trudi’s friend and Mentor) from Nature’s Atelier and Founder of Bold Park Community School and our very own Daniel Burton! Grab a cuppa and have a listen, then let us know what you think!
Click here to listen on the ABC website or check it our on your favourite podcast app!

“Coronavirus has meant the activities our kids love — playgrounds, sport, skate boarding with friends, going to the movies — have been shut down and cancelled. But guess what’s still there for them? Nature. Even if it’s the grass in your backyard or plants on your balcony, it’s all around us — even during coronavirus. In an episode recorded well before coronavirus hit us, Maggie talks to nature play experts Gillian McAuliffe and Daniel Burton about the perfect places for growing bodies and minds to play.”
For future KIN Village sessions head to the program information page here.