Reflecting on Guiding Principles

Beginning a New Year – A time to reflect

Educated by nature Co-DirectorsEducated by Nature would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year! The festive season often brings people to a time of reflection – resolutions, reaffirmations and refocusing.

At Educated by Nature, as we return from a relaxing break over Christmas and continue preparations for 2016, we were reminiscing about the exciting opportunities, wonderful families and great places we encountered over the past year.

It also reminded us of the reasons we established Educated by Nature. Our aim is to help children grow and develop resilience through a deep connection with nature. All the programs we run are guided by Educated by Nature’s Principles of Learning Within Nature.

Play – Children learn instinctively through play.
Physical Development – Movement of the body helps to support the development of cognitive abilities.
Sensory Diets – Children need whole body tactile experiences to develop their brains with their senses.
Risk – Challenge increases children’s abilities to find their limits and then develop ways to expand.
Identity – Children are capable and can carry out many actions independently.
Curiosity – Open-ended activities invite children to explore, ask questions, experiment, play and create.
Health – All people need opportunities to be physically active and being outside encourages activity.
Empathy – Using senses to identify our feelings and the feelings of others.

These are not just our principles, but our passion.

We look forward to sharing with you another year of excitement, discovery and learning within nature.

To read more about  Educated by Nature – Guiding Principles here.