Category: Communities

  • Reflections from Ontario: Risk, Play, and Nature Connection

    Reflections from Ontario: Risk, Play, and Nature Connection

    This October, as part of my USA and Canada speaking tour, I had the pleasure of visiting Toronto and Hamilton in Ontario. These visits were filled with opportunities to connect with passionate educators. We shared insights, exploring inspiring approaches to risk and play in outdoor education. It was an honour to collaborate with organisations and individuals who align closely…

  • Moerlina’s Bush School

    Moerlina’s Bush School

    We are living in the age of Nature Deficit Disorder. This term, coined by Richard Louv in Last Child in the Woods (2007), brings focus to the increased disconnection between children and nature. It warns us of the impacts this can have our children and society.  Over the last few years, at our family and…

  • Reframing Success: From Well-Oiled Machines to Thriving Meadows

    Reframing Success: From Well-Oiled Machines to Thriving Meadows

    In an era dominated by technology and industrial progress, the world expects efficiency and precision from every corner of life. The metaphor of a “well-oiled machine” has become synonymous with success. However, this mechanical perspective has fallbacks. It often leads to burnout, disconnection from our intrinsic values, and an unyielding pressure to consistently produce, regardless…

  • Consulting with Kwoorabup Nature School

    Consulting with Kwoorabup Nature School

    When Kwoorabup Nature School in Denmark, on the south west coast of Western Australia, invited us to consult with them for just over a week, we were both excited and daunted. Each class in this amazing school already spends a whole day outside every week, known as Walkabout Day. They have a magnificent karri forest…

  • Greening Schoolyards Colorado

    Greening Schoolyards Colorado

    As a precursor to the Children and Nature Network – Inside Out 2023 Conference in Colorado, Fay and Daniel boarded a bus to check out some schools that had been transformed under the Greening schoolyards program across Denver. Fresh from their time at the International Play Conference in Glasgow (and visits to some wonderful play…

  • Outdoor Learning and Permaculture Principles

    I have been on tour in Denmark with Kwoorabup Nature School, on the south west coast of Western Australia. One of Kwoorabup’s Walkabout educators, Olly Watkins, is also a drummer with Formidable Vegetable Sound System. After facilitating a Professional Learning Workshop, I was delighted to be invited to join the Denmark community to dance to…

  • Educated by Nature on Everything Outdoors!

    Educated by Nature on Everything Outdoors!

    We’re so excited to have been included on the first episode of Channel 9’s Everything Outdoors – a new TV show showcasing all the amazing things to do outdoors in Western Australia. Check out our segment below, or the full episode on the 9Now website. In just three minutes, Trudi, Kate and the kids sum…

  • Habitat of the Heart

    Habitat of the Heart

    Dr Jane Goodall and Richard Louv recently spoke together at the Children and Nature Network Conference. They conversed about a concept referred to as ‘Habitat of the Heart’, where the physical Habitat of Mother Earth depends upon human heart connections with nature. The two habitats, Habitat of the Heart and the physical Habitat of the…

  • Squid Games and Culture of the Contemporary

    We’ve been back at school for just a month now and the popularity of the Netflix show, Squid Games, has pervaded school play spaces and other children’s community spaces quickly. In some areas, all just in the first week back! Children are not necessarily watching, or being allowed to watch, the show on Netflix. More…

  • Educated by Nature: A Social Enterprise

    Educated by Nature: A Social Enterprise

    From the very beginning, Educated by Nature has chosen to be a Social Enterprise – an organisation with the mindset of a business and the heart of a not-for-profit. We are registered and operate as a company. Daniel Burton is our Chief Executive Officer and Trudi Bennett is our Business Development Manager. We act for…