Category: Health

  • Teenagers Play Too

    Teenagers Play Too

    When we talk about the importance of play, it’s often in the context of early childhood and primary school-aged children. However, play is equally essential for teenagers and young adults – even though their approach to play looks different. It’s a crucial part of their development, helping them to navigate the complexities of adolescence by…

  • Connecting Children to Nature: A Journey of Discovery and Growth

    Connecting Children to Nature: A Journey of Discovery and Growth

    By taking inspiration from Slow Pedagogy, the Reggio Emilia approach, biophilia, and Deep Nature Connection, we can create learning environments that foster meaningful connections between children and the natural world. These connections not only support academic growth but also nurture the heart, preparing children to engage with the world as compassionate, mindful stewards.

  • Playing Outside this Winter

    Playing Outside this Winter

    As winter begins we hear many concerns from parents about their children spending time outdoors in colder and wetter weather. It’s natural to worry about your children’s health, but rest assured, outdoor learning during winter is not only safe but also beneficial for overall well-being. Contrary to common myths, medical experts confirm that getting a…

  • Moerlina’s Bush School

    Moerlina’s Bush School

    We are living in the age of Nature Deficit Disorder. This term, coined by Richard Louv in Last Child in the Woods (2007), brings focus to the increased disconnection between children and nature. It warns us of the impacts this can have our children and society.  Over the last few years, at our family and…

  • Reframing Success: From Well-Oiled Machines to Thriving Meadows

    Reframing Success: From Well-Oiled Machines to Thriving Meadows

    In an era dominated by technology and industrial progress, the world expects efficiency and precision from every corner of life. The metaphor of a “well-oiled machine” has become synonymous with success. However, this mechanical perspective has fallbacks. It often leads to burnout, disconnection from our intrinsic values, and an unyielding pressure to consistently produce, regardless…

  • Being Barefoot – reconnecting with the earth and developing strong minds

    As Nature Connection Mentors a lot of our time is spent barefoot. In fact, any chance we get to kick off our shoes, whether it be at our school holiday program (a whole day outside), our afterschool sessions or our school-based incursions, we try to find time to be truly connected to the earth under…

  • Outdoor Learning and Permaculture Principles

    I have been on tour in Denmark with Kwoorabup Nature School, on the south west coast of Western Australia. One of Kwoorabup’s Walkabout educators, Olly Watkins, is also a drummer with Formidable Vegetable Sound System. After facilitating a Professional Learning Workshop, I was delighted to be invited to join the Denmark community to dance to…

  • Environmental Grief Processing

    Environmental Grief Processing

    Grief processing is something that we are passionate about. We have suspected for a while that it is an important part of our Bush Inventors’ after-school Club. This year not only have children needed space to release emotions from a whole day of school but also from the stress they might be holding from COVID,…

  • Educated by Nature on Everything Outdoors!

    Educated by Nature on Everything Outdoors!

    We’re so excited to have been included on the first episode of Channel 9’s Everything Outdoors – a new TV show showcasing all the amazing things to do outdoors in Western Australia. Check out our segment below, or the full episode on the 9Now website. In just three minutes, Trudi, Kate and the kids sum…

  • Habitat of the Heart

    Habitat of the Heart

    Dr Jane Goodall and Richard Louv recently spoke together at the Children and Nature Network Conference. They conversed about a concept referred to as ‘Habitat of the Heart’, where the physical Habitat of Mother Earth depends upon human heart connections with nature. The two habitats, Habitat of the Heart and the physical Habitat of the…